dfrag at princeton dot edu
A417 Engineering Quad
- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2021)
- Diploma in Chemical Engineering, University of Patras (2015)
Dimitrios is a chemical engineer by training but has always been fascinated by phenomena related to physics, physical chemistry, and material science. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Patras, where he focused on understanding how bubbles rise and how spheres settle in rheologically complex fluids. Dimitrios pursued his Ph.D. at MIT, where he switched to theoretical electrochemistry, focusing on understanding the fundamental electrochemical and transport mechanisms of ion insertion, diffusion, and phase separation in ion intercalation materials. For his postdoctoral research, Dimitrios moved to UC Berkeley as a Miller Research Fellow. There, he studied a variety of phenomena, including the dynamics of glass-forming liquids, discovering that a non-equilibrium topological transition is responsible for the liquid-to-supercooled liquid transition. At Princeton, Dimitrios is excited to explore and understand how disorder and heterogeneities alter electrochemical reaction and transport mechanisms in systems relevant to energy storage and environmental sustainability. In addition to electrochemical systems, Dimitrios is passionate about exploring various topics in physics and physical chemistry.
Fun Facts
Dimitrios loves engaging in scientific discussions about anything and debating ideas on the board. If you see him wandering around, don't hesitate to approach him with your research questions and troubles! Outside of science, he enjoys watching anime and playing video games. He also likes making espressos with his manual espresso machine.